Progress on the Deck
Ok I have done pretty much NOTHING to the deck, but wanted to share a few "progress" photos. The deck is still peeling and in terrible condition, along with the chairs, but ignore all that. I'm stoked because I bought some plants and they have already made a huge difference! I'm doing my best to not kill them - no promises though.
I snagged a few boxwood's on sale at Orchard Supply, and they're lined up against the wall right now.
I think I'd like to get two more to line the entire length of that wall so it's more full and symmetrical. Obviously the boxwood's still need to be planted, but they are at least temporarily brightening things up as they are.
I see them sitting in a taller wooden planter... something like this:
Having them there makes it easier for me to envision what else I see being planted there.
I'd like to stagger some plants, so that something taller - a vine climber like jasmine or creeping fig - can make its way up the wall behind the bushes. Then there will be the boxwoods, that I'd like to see elevated about a foot higher than they are currently. And then in front of them, perhaps some flowers that spill over the front of the planter.
Maybe also a smallish lemon tree in the corner? I mocked it up (kind of) just to give you an idea of how I see it playing out...
Anyway, that's what I WANT to see, but even just the gallon size planters with the boxwood have made a huge HUGE difference already.
I also tossed out the dead rosemary twig plant - may it rest in peace - and replaced the entire sad pot with a new wooden planter and some pretty flowers. I planted some snapdragons, and these pretty pink and white flowers in the wooden planter - no idea what they are called but they were in the section labeled "full sun" so I figure they'll be ok.
They also really help brighten things up.
So pretty right?? I just love how the white one spills over the front.
And finally, since the peeling paint is a bit sharp on bare legs, I dragged out a few of our throws from the living room to sit on, along with some pillows for back support.
It made all the difference in the world this evening, and Kris and I sat out late watching the sun go down.
Just these little changes made me so excited to do more out here!
Happy Wednesday friends!!
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