We're calling it "Pre-Christmas" Decor
Let me preface this post by saying, yes, I am fully aware that we haven't celebrated Thanksgiving yet...
But let me also just say, Thanksgiving is the latest it's ever been... EVER... so since Thanksgiving is so excruciatingly late, I figured it couldn't hurt anyone to hang a few harmless wreaths in our living room over the weekend....
I LOVE boxwood wreaths. Possibly more than any other wreath. They are fresh and simple, and need no adornment, which around the holiday season - when the motto is "the more lights, tinsel, and general bedazzlement, the better" - a simple wreath is subtly festive.
In my case, I went with four subtly festive boxwood wreaths... for $10 each, how could I say no?!
I decided to hang them in each of the windows of our living room...
The best part about boxwoods is that they dry so well. These windows get direct sunlight all day long - pretty much from about 9am until 4pm, but boxwoods keep the bright green color even after they've dried! Last year, I kept our wreath from the holidays, and hung it on our front door through the summer.
Now, I never normally take photographs at night in low light like this, but, with the wreaths in the window, I found it nearly impossible to photograph them during the day. They were completely blacked out with the sun behind them in every shot , but I guess it's nice to document our house with the cozy lamp light too... this is actually how I like our house the best, even though it doesn't turn out in photographs so well.
God... we really need to do something about the coffee table - the bane of my existence. Its SO scratched up on top, and the storage below is just not attractive. Functional... yes, but I'm sure we could get rid of half that crap and not miss a thing.
Perhaps that's something tackle next weekend... the decrapification of our coffee table... and then the selling of the coffee table and buying of a new one..........
Anyway... enough talk of my hoarding ways... let's get back to my pretty wreaths. Don't you just love how they get a little up-lighting from the side lamps?
And notice my new lampshades... $5 on clearance! Woot woot!!
Gotta love a good deal - ok last glamour shot of the wreath....
Hope you all had a lovely, productive weekend too!!
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