Baby Rooms: Statement Walls and Ceilings
I am pretty sure that if you played one of those psychological word association games, and someone said "statement wall" the first thing you thought of wouldn't be "baby room", however I happen to think these two things... statement walls (and ceilings) and baby rooms kind of go hand in hand. Why am I thinking about baby rooms you might wonder? No, I am not with child. My sister and one of my best friends are both pregnant, and due very VERY soon! With babies on the brain, I've been mulling around the idea of my own future baby's nursery. And by "mulling around" I really mean, giving WAY too much thought to. So much so that I even have a super secret baby board on Pinterest - it's private, and yes, that is actually it's name. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm hoarding my baby room ideas, but more that I don't want my friends to think I'm accidentally pregnant before Kris and I get married this summer. I di...