Weekend Recap
Whelp... fall is officially here... I quickly snapped this picture as I was walking down the hill from our house to the Marina over the weekend... how gorgeous are the yellow leaves against the blue-blue-blue sky. I absolutely LOVE this time of year... It was warm and perfect. Here's a quick peek into my weekend - through the eyes of my feet... Cooling off the tootsies after a hot run... Admiring my wrist bling against an all white outfit... How can you not be excited for little workout when your footwear is day-glo. Loving my new Nikes! Feeling a little fancy, and trying on white dresses for the fabulous Dinner en Blanc on Friday night... SUCH an amazing event... And of course my new obsession - my moccasins from Target. They are SO COMFORTABLE... like slippers, but totally appropriate to wear out in public... Happy Monday!